Our Vision

Mission Statement

Research Partners LLC is a research collaborative that uses antiracist and participatory approaches to research in pursuit of social justice and community wellness. We empower and serve communities through participant involvement and collaborative partnerships.

Vision Statement

Research Partners LLC envisions a more equitable world. We strive to contribute to the broader movement for equitable research practices by identifying and confronting the dominant culture of research. We aspire to develop ongoing relationships with community-based organizations, and to empower greater community access to tools, resources, and decision-making.

Guiding Principles

Strengths-Based and
Anti-Deficit Approach

We approach communities and organizations with a desire to build on existing strengths, relationships, and resources. We actively engage and amplify the voices of community members most directly affected by programs and policies.

Co-Production of Knowledge and
Reciprocal Learning

We approach research as an opportunity to co-create knowledge with communities and organizations. We approach research as a reciprocal process of knowledge sharing that includes both research knowledge and lived expertise.


Participatory Methods

We are committed to making research more accessible by prioritizing participatory actions and methods within our work. We commit to involving communities and organizations in decision-making about how evaluation data is collected and reported and about how to implement participatory methods of data collection and analysis in their communities.

Transparency and Accountability

We present our research goals and methods clearly, ensure anonymity and confidentiality for research participants as appropriate, and share findings as widely as possible. We actively solicit feedback and take time to regularly reflect on our practices.